In order to support you in the development of your cosmetic products, Innovi now offers Challenge Tests.
The Challenge Test is mandatory for any cosmetic product containing water and having an AW > 0,75....

INNOVI is collecting patents, contributing to the fight against COVID 19 and working to replace plastics and glyophosates. Backed by strong rankings, rising from 34th to 14th place in the list of the...

Hydroalcoholic solution (SHA) 5L container:
This solution (formula recommended by the WHO) is suitable for santizing hands - the primary preventative measure, but also for...

Innovi Laboratory, local added value champion
It's within the conurbation of Agen, at Layrac, that breakthrough innovations are happening. The Innovi laboratory is standing out once again for its audacity...

We owe them everything, from the food that we eat, to the air that we breathe. Plants were around before us and they will outlive us.
Used in turn to nourish us, care for us, clothe us, keep us warm or build the...

We have long been persuaded of the need to innovate, aware of the risks associated with the reduction in product life and the increasingly unpredictable nature of competition.
In 5 years time, 50% of...

Consumers are better informed about the damaging effects of UV light on the skin, and are looking for products with high levels of protection which are also easy to apply.
Everyday skincare products,...

Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, all these diseases of civilisation can be largely avoided by changing our eating habits, explains Dr Béliveau, Doctor of...

And if the new generation of cosmetics weren't cosmetics "less" which come dangerously close to cosmetics "none", but cosmetics "more". More innovative, more...

Preservatives, hydrocarbons, silicone, surfactants, synthetic products...many are the ingredients which have been sacrified for the sake of values, whether they be environmental, personal or ecological.
If some...

Atmospheric pollutants and other aggressors, our skin is constantly under attack.
According to a study published on 16th May 2016 in Geneva, 80% of people living in urban areas are exposed to air quality...

Today, the pressure of competition is pushing innovation in business models up the list of priorities. Now, the way in which companies do business is as important if not more important tha the activities...

After the success of 60 million consumers last September 29, it was only natural that the organisation "Que choisir" tried to carve out the lions share of fear marketing in the...

The increasing importance of seduction, increased life expectancy, the increase in purchasing power, the emergence of new markets such as the male cosmetics market (influenced by the image of the dynamic...